Saturday: My weekend is rich with possibilities this weekend, thanks to the recent acquisition of small objects, including the best garlic press ever:
When you pick it up, it is so solid it feels like you are holding a Sig Sauer. I will probably bathe in crushed garlic just to test it out.
My son has more merit badge mill at BYU, so I will be attending and also scouring their excellent graphic novel collection, since I acquired a BYU library card last week.
Also, I just put a computer on the bike, so I can track my rides and try to join the 1,000 mile club. Finally, I rented this board game:
and played it last night, and will play it some more. It's like Ticket to Ride, but you buy shares in the railroads and get dividends and it will make your head explode. There is no luck involved and it only takes an hour once you know what you're doing.